Categories Finding happiness

Too many choices

The nature of desire is not to be satisfied. Aristotle 384 – 322 B.C. Today, we’re faced with an increasing number of choices for every imaginable item in our lives. It’s truly amazing the number of options we have. Just think about the last time you went to the grocery; pick … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Finding happiness

New Year’s Resolutions

Be at War with your Vices, at Peace with your Neighbours, and let every New-Year find you a better Man. Benjamin Franklin 1706 – 1790 Once again, it’s the time of the year when people make New Year’s resolutions, typically promising to eat better, shed weight, reduce debt or generally … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Finding happiness

The consumer treadmill

Men do not desire to be rich, but to be richer than other men. John Stuart Mill 1806 – 1873 Treadmills are wonderful — for exercise. Otherwise, being on a treadmill means spending a lot of time and energy but not making any real progress. Unfortunately, we’ve become a nation … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Finding happiness

What are you missing?

There are none so blind as those who will not see. English Proverb During the commuter rush hour on a morning in January 2007, a young man stood playing a violin in one of Washington D.C.’s metro stations. Roughly 2,000 people passed him as they entered the station. Most barely … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Finding happiness

Leave work at work

My father taught me to work, but he did not teach me to love it. Abraham Lincoln 1809 - 1865 A while back, my daughter shared a satirical article from The Onion that had a strong element of truth to it. The article states that health experts observed immediate and lasting changes … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Finding happiness

Keeping things in perspective

There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so. William Shakespeare 1564 – 1616 In his book, Influence: Science and Practice, Robert Cialdini tells a story about a young girl away at college. She writes a letter to her parents, first apologizing for not having written sooner. She … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Finding happiness

How do you define a win?

For me, being memorable is more important than winning. Ricki Lake 1968 – Recently, writer Minerva Zimmerman shared a great story on Twitter about a chess game she’d agreed to play. Her opponent was a nationally ranked player; most would consider him an expert on the game. So she knew her … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Finding happiness

Getting to know you

Today’s Lesson is from my daughter and editor, Cheryl Chancellor. There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self. Benjamin Franklin 1706 - 1790 Several years ago, Julia Roberts and Richard Gere reunited on the big screen for the romantic comedy Runaway Bride. Though the film wasn’t as memorable … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Finding happiness

If you won the lottery

You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. James Allen 1864 – 1912 Have you ever dreamed of winning the lottery? Most people have. And I suspect most people have heard that within five years of hitting the jackpot, the … [ Continue Reading ]