How we live our days is how we live our life. Annie Dillard 1945 – I was recently thinking about an old adage regarding frogs and hot water. If you placed a live frog in a pot of boiling water, the frog would do everything it could to escape; it … [ Continue Reading ]
The layaway plan
It is unreasonable to think that we can earn rewards without being willing to pay their true price. Epictetus 55 – 135 A.D. Do you remember when buying bigger, more expensive items on layaway was a common thing? At one time, most department stores offered a layaway plan. While a … [ Continue Reading ]
Making choices
If you don’t like what’s happening, you have to consciously make new choices about how to think, feel and act. Roger Allen A few years ago, a young lady and I were talking about some issues in her life. She was having trouble accepting responsibility for her part in these … [ Continue Reading ]
Snakes, wasps and mosquitoes
A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. Oscar Wilde 1854 – 1900 If I asked you whether you’d prefer to be in a room with a snake, a wasp or a mosquito, which would you choose? If you’re like most people, you don’t want to … [ Continue Reading ]
What’s the cost of being right?
This is the grave of Mike O’Day, He died defending his right of way, His right was clear, his will was strong But he is just as dead as if he’d been wrong. Anonymous How much are you willing to pay to be right? We often pay far too much … [ Continue Reading ]
The six step pause
In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility. Eleanor Roosevelt 1884 – 1962 Most of our days — and therefore most of our lives — are filled with routine, … [ Continue Reading ]
Was it worth it?
Appearances often are deceiving. Aesop c. 550 B.C. Some time back, a certain bookstore (which we’ll leave unnamed) ran what seemed like a very nice online promotion: buy 1 item, get the second item for 60% off list price. Sounds good, right? Wrong. My daughter took advantage of the promotion … [ Continue Reading ]
And then what?
If you do not know how to ask the right question, you discover nothing. William Edwards Deming 1900 – 1993 Throughout our school years, we were conditioned to answer questions asked in class and on exams. We became accustomed to thinking that the key to success is having the right … [ Continue Reading ]
Would you rather be obese or blind?
Circumstances are beyond human control, but our conduct is in our own power. Benjamin Disraeli 1804 – 1881 I admit, I’ve never had a serious weight problem. While I carry a few extra pounds around the middle, I’ve never struggled with controlling my weight. But I realize that not everyone … [ Continue Reading ]
Why we make bad decisions
What’s so curious about human beings is that we can look deeply into the future, foresee disaster, and still do nothing in the present to stop it. The majority of people on this planet, they’re overwhelmed with concerns about their immediate well being. Dan Gilbert 1957 – Most people understand … [ Continue Reading ]