Categories Success and failure

Plan M

A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. George S. Patton 1885 – 1945 A few years ago, there was a feel-good show called Leverage, in which former criminals used their unique skills to help people in need. In the pilot episode, things start going wrong on a job and the … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Personal growth

The when, then trap

I will act now. Success will not wait. This is the time. This is the place. I am the person. Og Mandino 1923 – 1996 Have you ever been caught in the “when, then” trap? In case you’re not sure what I mean, let me give you an example from … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Lessons in Life

Make plans, not schedules

Without a purpose, nothing should be done. Marcus Aurelius 121 – 180 My work involves helping people achieve their goals. I want to share an exercise I sometimes use with the people I coach: I simply ask them what they have planned the next day. Most of the time, this … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Personal growth

A wise investment

It is thrifty to prepare today for the wants of tomorrow. Aesop Fl. C. 550 B.C. Take a moment and think about your life. Are you getting all the things you want? If you’re like most people, the answer is no. There are probably some material things you’d like. Or … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Lessons in Life

The Great Pyramid

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Lao-tzu c. 604 – c. 531 B.C. The Great Pyramid was built roughly 4,500 years ago and is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. I’ve never been to Egypt to see it, but I’ve heard it … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Motivating yourself

Nine steps to a more successful you, Part 2

The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. Stephen Covey 1932 – In our first lesson for increasing your success, we discussed the two components of step one: getting specific about what you want, and using mental contrasting to link your goal with the actions … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Lessons in Life

New Year’s Resolutions

Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better man. Benjamin Franklin 1706 – 1790 A few days from now, we’ll celebrate the start of a New Year, and many of us will resolve to improve our lives. … [ Continue Reading ]