Weekly Lessons

Categories Lessons in Life

New Year’s Resolutions

Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better man. Benjamin Franklin 1706 – 1790 A few days from now, we’ll celebrate the start of a New Year, and many of us will resolve to improve our lives. … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Lessons in Life

The Christmas Spirit

For it is in giving that we receive. St. Francis of Assisi c. 1181 – 1226 This week, the Christian world celebrates Christmas, the day set aside to mark the birth of Jesus. It seems to me that there’s been a steady shift in focus from the spiritual meaning of … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Lessons in Life

The Hero’s Choice

If you don’t like what is happening, you have to consciously make new choices about how you think, feel and act. Roger K. Allen The Hero’s Choice: Living From the Inside Out I’m constantly searching for new ways to share valuable life lessons with others. I recently read a life … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Lessons in Life

Own or rent?

The archer who misses the target turns to himself and not to another for the cause of his failure. Confucius 551 – 479 B.C. What’s one of the major differences between owning something and renting it? Consider any number of things you could buy or rent: a home, work space, … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Lessons in Life

Are you a victim or a survivor?

Vigilantly practice indifference to external conditions. Your happiness can only be found within. Epictetus 55 – 135 A.D. Recently, I was working with a young woman who had a real medical problem. As a result, she would spend way too much time on the computer and concentrated her energies on … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Lessons in Life

Learned helplessness

I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul. William Henley 1849 – 1903 Martin Seligman, a legendary psychologist, conducted a series of experiments in the 1960s. While the results were very informative, the tests probably would have gotten him arrested and charged with animal … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Lessons in Life

The blame game

The impulse to blame something or someone else is foolishness, there is nothing to be gained in blaming. Epictetus 55 – 135 A.D. When something goes wrong, what is your immediate, instinctive reaction? If you’re like most people, you want to uncover why things stopped working. What happened? Who was … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Lessons in Life

Your beliefs about money, Part two

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. Robert Frost 1874 – 1963 We’re all familiar with the saying “money can’t buy happiness.” But do you believe it? I suspect the answer is no. If … [ Continue Reading ]

Categories Lessons in Life

A reader’s reply

Waste not, want not. John Wesley 1703 – 1791 The following is a reader’s comments about last week’s lesson, “What’s your belief about money?” John, I would like to comment on your article. We too, grew up very poor as far as money was concerned, but we were the richest … [ Continue Reading ]