Trying to change or control what we can’t only results in torment. Epictetus 55 – 135 A.D. Charlie Jones was an award winning sportscaster. In 1996, he was working for NBC and he had already covered the Olympic Games twice. The 1996 games were held in Atlanta, GA and Charlie … [ Continue Reading ]
Expectations are a form of first-class truth: If people believe it, it’s true. Bill Gates 1955 – In the mid 1960s, Dr. Robert Rosenthal, a Harvard psychologist, conducted a series of experiments involving children in grade school. At the beginning of the school year, all students at a certain grade … [ Continue Reading ]
To do list
Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. Theophrastus d. 278 B.C. Have you ever made a to-do list? Do you use them often? I know some people who make them each and every day. A to-do list can be a very useful tool. But today, I’d like … [ Continue Reading ]
Who knows best?
Control leads to compliance; autonomy leads to engagement. Daniel Pink 1964 – As a parent, friend, relationship partner or manager, do you try to force those in your circle of influence to do things the way you think they should be done? I’ll answer first. I admit that I’m often … [ Continue Reading ]
Are you using the wrong yardstick?
In all affairs it’s a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted. Bertrand Russell 1872 – 1970 It’s not uncommon to want to evaluate ourselves and our performance. It’s human nature to want to know how we stack … [ Continue Reading ]
The Myth of Busyness
This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it. Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803 – 1882 These days, it feels like everyone is busy, jumping from one job to the next and forgoing sleep because we don’t have enough time for … [ Continue Reading ]
Why ask “why”?
More information is always better than less. Simon Sinek 1973 – When you’re charged with a task, whether it’s at work, at home, or with friends, does the reason why matter? Does your manager try to motivate you by instilling a sense of purpose in your work? Do you try … [ Continue Reading ]
A perfect score
Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. George Washington Carver 1864 -1943 During the 2008 academic school year, there were five students in the State of Alabama that scored a perfect 2,400 on the SAT test. Lauren Faraino was one of them. … [ Continue Reading ]
Are you fooling yourself?
It’s the easiest thing in the world for a man to deceive himself. Benjamin Franklin 1706 – 1790 Most people profess to want to learn more, do more and achieve more. Some even have plans and goals for what they’ll do and achieve. Yet often, we do more in our … [ Continue Reading ]
Pseudo-productive procrastination
I think of myself as something of a connoisseur of procrastination, creative and dogged in my approach to not getting things done. Susan Orlean 1955 – Many people today engage in what I call “pseudo-productive procrastination” — usually without even realizing it. While this behavior might convey some short-term benefits, it can … [ Continue Reading ]