Nothing is to be clung to as in I, me or mine. Buddha 563 B.C. – 483 B.C. Most people have a secret dream, one they aren’t willing to share with many people. I want you to think about your secret dream. It could be a big home in the … [ Continue Reading ]
Weekly Lessons
Flying a kite
The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. William James 1894 – 1963 One day, I was in a park watching a young boy fly a kite. His father had helped him get the kite airborne and had … [ Continue Reading ]
The paradox of shortcuts
It always looks so easy to solve problems by taking the path of least resistance. What looks like the easy road turns out to be the hardest and most cruel. Winston Churchill 1874 – 1965 In high school, math was one of my easier subjects; I just had a knack … [ Continue Reading ]
Who knows best?
Control leads to compliance; autonomy leads to engagement. Daniel Pink 1964 – As a parent, friend, relationship partner or manager, do you try to force those in your circle of influence to do things the way you think they should be done? I’ll answer first. I admit that I’m often … [ Continue Reading ]
Are you using the wrong yardstick?
In all affairs it’s a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted. Bertrand Russell 1872 – 1970 It’s not uncommon to want to evaluate ourselves and our performance. It’s human nature to want to know how we stack … [ Continue Reading ]
Forget what and how
It doesn’t matter what you do, it matters Why you do it. Simon Sinek 1973 – If you’re still setting your goals for the year, I suggest you avoid making big, life changing resolutions, because historically, most of them aren’t kept. But if you insist on making resolutions, then at … [ Continue Reading ]
Merry Christmas… or Happy Holidays?
He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree. Roy L. Smith 1887-1963 Last week, one of my neighbors put up a yard sign saying “Christmas is all about JESUS.” I couldn’t help but think that their message presented a narrow interpretation of the … [ Continue Reading ]
On being thankful
Happiness is not a matter of good fortune or worldly possessions. It’s a mental attitude. It comes from appreciating what we have, instead of being miserable about what we don’t have. It’s so simple — yet so difficult for the human mind to comprehend. Bill P. and Lisa D. Hazelden … [ Continue Reading ]
Snakes, wasps and mosquitoes
A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. Oscar Wilde 1854 – 1900 If I asked you whether you’d prefer to be in a room with a snake, a wasp or a mosquito, which would you choose? If you’re like most people, you don’t want to … [ Continue Reading ]
Are we smarter than monkeys?
Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re probably right. Henry Ford 1863 – 1947 The following is an interesting story based on the research of G. R. Stephenson–though it’s probably been embellished a bit. Five monkeys were placed in a cage. There was a ladder … [ Continue Reading ]