The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems.
Mahatma Gandhi
1869 – 1948
I often work with people who score extremely high on potential but rather average on results. Most of these people are well educated and have great talents and skills but fall short of achieving the success they could.
To be fair, no one ever achieves their full potential because no one is perfect. We all operate below the level we could achieve. But we could all stand to do better and ought to strive for continual improvement.
Your performance will always equal your potential minus your stumbling blocks. So if you want to be more successful, you should become aware of and work on reducing those interfering items.
Here is a list of the most common interferences I have observed:
- Lack of focus
- Poor listening skills
- Closed mindset: not open to new ideas, new learning
- Poor utilization of time
- Holding onto or trying to change the past
- Going it alone: not seeking or accepting help
- Failure to prioritize: majoring in minor activities
- Being unwilling to give up your right to be right
- Staying in your comfort zone: failing to learn and grow as a person
- Lack of discipline
If you really desire to be more successful, whether in life or in business, then study this list. It’s not meant to be all inclusive, but it should be a great starting point for most people. Identify the ones which apply most to your situation and begin working on them.
The more you eliminate interferences, the greater your success will be.
Nothing is impossible; there are ways that lead to everything, and if we had sufficient will we should always have sufficient means. It is often merely for an excuse that we say things are impossible.
Francois de la Rochefoucauld
1613 – 1680
Copyright © 2010 John Chancellor
I would love to live to the fullest of my ability. I am tired of doing something, which does not define me. i would love to have a soul mate and lover. What am I doing wrong.
I think there are two intital first steps to achieve what you want. The first step is to get very clear about your specific desires/goals. That means writting them out in great detail. For example, “living life to the fullest of my ability” is not specific. When I say getting clear, it should be so that a 10 year old can understand and explain to someone else. Define what “lving life to the fullest means”. The second step is being fully committed. That means doing whatever it takes to achieve your goal.
That is about as much as deep as I can go on this forum, but I welcome your addtional questions to