When you must succeed

They can conquer who believe they can.

It’s rather unfortunate, but as humans, we must be hardwired to seek the easy way out. We always seem to be looking for the path of least resistance. This behavior, while designed to conserve our resources, often keeps us from achieving our true potential.

We have a bad habit of giving up on tasks when the going gets tough. But there are countless stories of humans who perform superhuman tasks when there’s no other choice. Our greatest achievements seem to come from situations where “failure is not an option” — an expression popularized by the problems with the Apollo 13 space mission.

America gained its independence by fighting against a larger, better equipped British army. For the Americans, it was “do or die.” There was no other option.

When we undertake a new task, if we’re determined to see it through to the end no matter what, then our chances of success greatly increase. Unfortunately, we’re rarely that determined. We let minor setbacks become obstacles that stop us permanently. Only when we adopt the philosophy that nothing can stop us do we persevere until we reach our goal.

One of the ways to increase your resolve is to have a powerful reason why you must succeed. Without some compelling reason to keep trying, giving up is far too easy. At the start of any mission, task or goal, identify a powerful reason why you should do it. Let that reason give you the motivation you need.

When you set out to accomplish any worthwhile goal, you must first convince yourself that you can do it. And then you need to eliminate the easy escape routes. Make success mandatory. When you can’t quit, when success is the only choice, success will be much easier to achieve.

Necessity knows no law except to prevail.
Publilius Syrus
1st Century B.C.

Copyright © 2021 John Chancellor

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